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an awesome list

starting my junior year in high school, i made the biggest list known to man. entitled: my list of loves. pretty cliche. it’s typed and bound and collects layers of dust on the table in front of our couch. jonboy even made me a website called listmyloves.com for valentines day last year. i have always been into making lists. don’t finish them that often, but it doesn’t seem to stop me from making them. this website: www.1000awesomethings.com was right up my alley. we couldn’t stop reading these “natural highs”, and yes i ordered the book. deja vu deja vu deja vu all night long.


here is my awesome list for today.
1. pretending like it wasn’t easter yesterday, and setting up a massive surprise easter egg/scavenger hunt for tonight.
2. pulling the entire mascara string out of my eye without it breaking.
3. jonah discovering how to crawl
4. fixing the toaster by giving it a good smackaroo.

5. trimming the neighbors rose bushes late at night so they stop scratching our truck.
6. getting asked if i got hair extensions. (the answer is no, it’s just finally growing. fist pump)
7. finding 12 bucks in my pocket.
8. not burning white choc macadamia cookies for the first time since we have been married.
9. getting called to serve in the young women.
10. leaving the door open on the balcony and coming home to the smell of freshly cut grass.
…and one more for good measure….
11. eating an entire carmel apple from rocky mtn choc factory by myself, a sugar cookie from sweet tooth fairy, and still not being able to walk out the door without a cupcake for later.

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One thought on “an awesome list

  1. ok can i campaign to be in your young womens? and times have not changed one tiny bit from the candy we once kneow adn loved 🙂 ok and jonah stop it i want to see you crawl first!

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