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“Joy is the simplest form of gratitude.”

Yellow Sweatshirt | Yellow Pants | Hat

I take baby steps every single day to lead a more gratitude filled life.

It is easy to lose focus on what’s really important, when life is filled with too much distraction. Simple to forget what brings the happiness that lasts longer than a day + for me, it’s that never ending to do list that distracts me the most. It never ends.

^ ^ g r a t i t u d e mirror at gigi pip ^ ^ ^

Working towards an attitude of gratitude helps me slow down. Life is busy for me right now + some days I go to bed so tired I don’t think I’ll be able to wake up the next morning. I don’t like to complain – Between you + me, when I go a little more silent on IG it’s because I’m in a negativity funk. BUT THERE IS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS something to be grateful for.

Sweatshirt | Hat

Each night before I go to bed, I write down a few things that made me “remember” my breath that day. Things that kept me in the moment + made me feel deep gratitude for what is right in front of me. It’s changed my perspective. Fine tuned my mind to search for things + feelings that keep me grounded. It’s amazing what a small perspective like ‘gratitude’ can do for you. It’s been my word this year + it has flipped my world upside down. FOR THE BETTER.

Here are a few things I am grateful for this Thanksgiving.

x  family + their unconditional love + support

x living in a beautiful place + working hard to build our forever home

x friends who have my back 

x 3 happy, healthy boys

x food to eat tonight + every night

x a hat shop that allows me to create + work with inspiring individuals every single day

x blogging (along with personal growth) + the team surrounding me 

x L O V E to give + receive it on a daily basis 

x samantha weiner 

x tooooothpaste 

x the opportunity to travel as much as we have this year

x fresh air + being outdoors (nervous for winter to hit)