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a camping we will go

this was our first big fall adventure for the year.
it really had me craving a big ole’ sweater + gramma webb’s pumpkin bites.
we learned one thing for certain – – – camping isn’t camping without jonboy.
he is the fire master, the gold medal tent setter upper, the dirt wiper offer + the scary story inventer.
{+ all of the other things i can’t remember right now.}
but we still had a blast + jonah now calls every single flying bug a deedo. {pronounced dee-doh. aka mosquito}

i’m glad i live in a place with 4 seasons.
by the time one is over, i am more than ready for the next to be here.
right now i’m head over heels in love with fall.
just praying it lasts longer than 2 weeks.
pretty utah, i sure love you.
thanks lindsey for snapping these pictures of us. we sure love you + your work!

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3 thoughts on “a camping we will go

  1. Thanks! This time of year is my most favorite. I got the Mark 2 for Christmas last year + am still getting used to it. I don’t remember if you shoot nikon or cannon but just shoot in Raw + process with VSCO. MONEY!!

  2. I love your blog! Very cute family you have there! If you don’t mind me asking, where did you get that cute short sleeved sweatshirt? It’s adorable! I love your style!

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