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49 + 1 = 50

mom has been making my birthday exciting for 24 basically 25 years.
this year we got to pay her back.
she turned the big five-oohhhh.
hoooooooooty hoooooo!
what year is “over the hill” anyways? i swear we say it every 10 years.

the boys + i snuck our way up to logan wednesday night without her knowing.
with two kiddos under two, it was nothing shy of a miracle that we didn’t blow the cover.
i tell ya, the look on her face when we all jumped out from behind the counter screaming
SURPRISEEEEE was priceless. i would pay to do it again if i could.
august 20 was definitely one of my favorite days last month.
i love birthdays a lot. but i L O V E my mom even more.

mom – thank you for teaching me how to be a mother + never giving up on me.
becoming a mother has deepened our relationship more than i ever thought possible.
i hope you had as happy of a birthday as i did that day.
i love you forever + ever.


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