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Isn’t she beautiful? Hilary Weeks has always been a favorite. This new song is absolutely incredible. Touched my heart and filled my eyes with really REALLY big tears. Can I just tell you, I’m a “Church Music” fanatic. Our family lives for it on Pandora. All day. Every day. Not just Sunday. There is just something about uplifting music that soothes me. I used to think my mom was crazy while growing up because she always wanted us to listen to church music on days beside sunday. She made us turn everything else down. What a meanie. It’s taken me this long to recognize her genuine love and appreciation for such beautiful music. I’ve developed this niche myself. You should give it a try. . .See what kind of a mood you’re in after a morning of cleaning to Jenny Phillips playing throughout your home. I promise you will feel the difference! In the next life when we are all perfect, I am going to be able to really sing. I’ve already decided. For now… I’ll just keep pretending.
Parrish Top 3 Pandora Stations:
1. Jenny Phillips
2. Renee and Jeremey (Childrens)
3. Mindy Gledhill 
“I used to pray he’d take it all away.. but instead it became a beautiful heartbreak.” I’m pretty sure she wrote this song for me. I’ve been reflecting on all the mountains I’ve climbed in my lifetime. I can honestly say that I appreciate each and every one of them. Life is so good. I am very blessed.
our little angel


PS: Jon got to meet Hilary Weeks once upon a time. Shake his hand next time you see him.
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3 thoughts on “

  1. She is so amazing. And I just love this song! Ps. She’s in our ward, so if you want to shake her hand you can just come to church with us on sunday and one up jon 😉

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