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15 point jonah turnabout

jonah has grown so much over the passed year. it’s like he magically transformed into a miniature jon right before our eyes. although i feel like he could power the entire northern hemisphere with his energy level alone, he has a heart the same size as the southern hemisphere. he brings much joy + spunk to our family. i have had to learn {still learning} to channel his energy into something productive during the day, or else i am ready to hide under my bed by the time jon gets home from work. i’ve been genuinely impressed by the way he’s taken on his role as older brother. he loves riggins. so so much. the first time i heard him making riggins laugh i was beside myself. one of those moments that makes me think that i maybe, might, possibly be doing something right. he is a daddy’s boy + he takes off running the second jonboy gets home from work so that he has to catch him. his laugh is completely contagious + he is quite the tease. when he does something naughty he fake laughs as hard as he can because he knows there is a pretty good chance i will start laughing too. i have been slacking on writing down his every day funnies, but here are a few moments that we always want to remember from 2013
  1. calls himself “NONAH”
  2. air bud phase on netflix. his reenactment of “baseball ouchie”
  3. changes his own clothes 893,908,673,000,893 times a day.
  4. “alot mom.” every time i get him some yogurt or pour him a drink. YOGURT ADDICT.
  5. calls his summersaults a backflip. mastered the running backflip.
  6. “no crying, riggy.” with the pointed finger + everything. binki duty comes second nature.
  7. blew our socks off at his 2nd birthday party with how FAST he can fly on his scooter.
  8. pretty much potty trained himself {still has to take off ALL of his clothes to go potty}
  9. j is the laughing game master + he knows it.
  10. says “dad sleep. mom sleep. riggy sleep. jonah no go sleep.” every single night.
  11. started nursery. loves the popcorn song.
  12. loves Barney. especially watching it with Collins.
  13. the day i found him in time-out. he ripped his book + put himself on his bed.
  14. builds piles everywhere he goes. he has to bring every ball, every pair or basketball shorts, his baseball helmet + every pair of shoes he owns, with him where ever he goes! even if it’s just to the other room.
  15. he calls every dark colored soda “dad juice”
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7 thoughts on “15 point jonah turnabout

  1. Oh my gosh, I’m dying. I have an 18 month old, Ezra, and this totally reminds me of him! The energy these kids have blow my mind! Anyone who says being a full time mama isn’t exhausting has obviously never spent 12 hours with a little boy! 😉 Thanks so much for sharing! I hope you and your lovely family have an incredible new year!


  2. STEPHY – – – Airbud. haha I’m so glad to hear that we aren’t out in left field with this obsession. Jonah wants to watch it all the time. Thanks for your sweet comment. You’re such a sweetie!

  3. Kaylie – – – Right? Crazy how fast they are too! Blows my mind completely! I love the name Ezra so much! Thank you kindly for reading! I hope you guys have a wonderful new year as well! XX

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